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Geologic Applications of Gravity and Magnetics: Case Histories

Jointly published by AAPG and SEG
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Outline by co-editors Dick Gibson and Pat Millegan
Note: Numbered items are accepted full-fledged technical papers. Starred (*) items are short notes or free-standing illustrations.
Preface/Forward/Introduction (editors)
* Gravity and Magnetics in Exploration: A Historical Perspective (Gibson)
* Integration of gravity and magnetic methods in the risk-weighted exploration decision process: Basin Reconnaissance -- R.S. Pawlowski
*Gravity and magnetic analyses can address various petroleum issues -- Elizabeth Johnson
*Use higher resolution gravity and magnetic data as your resource evaluation progresses -- Elizabeth Johnson
1) Gravity's role in a modern exploration program (Gene Greene and C.M. Bresnahan, Gene Greene & Associates)
* General Philosophy I -- the gravity & magnetics community
2) Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope -- understanding the magnetic response due to salt intrusion (Corine Prieto,
*A brief history of micromagnetic surveying -- Jack Land
*High-resolution aeromagnetic surveying -- Pat Millegan
3) Gravity/Magnetic signatures of various geologic models - an exercise in pattern recognition (Corine Prieto, IGC)
*Satellite Gravity -- Ed Biegert
4) Gravity basin structure and the location of major oil and gas reserves - examples from Powder River, Llanos,
and Magdalena Basins, and from Tunisia (Chris Pratsch, Consultant)
*Utility in exploration of Continent-scale data sets- Gibson
5) The isostatic gravity residual of onshore South America: Examples of the utility of isostatic gravity residuals as
a regional exploration tool (David Chapin, ARCO)
*One person's regional is another person's residual -- Pat Millegan
6) The compilation and application of aeromagnetic data for hydrocarbon exploration in interior Alaska (J.F. Meyer,
State of Alaska; L.J. Racic, PGW; R.W. Saltus, USGS)
* How Basement Lithology Changes Affect Magnetic Interpretation - Pat Millegan
*Gravity Applications - Ed Biegert, Shell
7) St. George Basin COST #1 well, Alaska: An example of the need for integrated interpretation (David Chapin,
ARCO; Rao Yalamanchili, GEONEX; Paul Daggett, ARCO)
* Magnetic reduction to the pole at low latitudes - Bill Pearson, Pearson Technologies
8) Interpretation of magnetic anomalies at low latitudes: Potential Pitfalls -- Dale Bird, Bird Geophysical, Stuart Hall, U. of Houston, J.F. Casey, U. of Houston, Pat Millegan, Marathon)
*General Philosophy II -- Gravity & magnetics community
9) Aeromagnetic constraints on the basement structure of the Okinawa Trough and East China sea (Shigeo
Okuma, T. Nakatsuka, M. Makino, R. Morijiri, Geol. Surv. Japan)
* magnetic depth/frequency relation illustration (Gibson)
10) Aeromagnetic interpretation of southwestern continental shelf of Korea (Czango Baag, Kangwon Natl Univ.. C.E. Baag, Seoul Natl. Univ.)
11) Integrated gravity modeling of salt features in the Mississippi Salt Basin (Rhonda L. Schenk, International Paper Petroleum, JJ Morris, Savannah Oil & Gas, Stuart Hall, U of Houston)
* Miss. Salt basin historical note + crust/mantle illustration (Gibson)
* Relationship between magnetic basement features and surface faulting in Kentucky (illustration)
* Integration of gravity and magnetic methods in the risk-weighted exploration decision process: Prospect Definition -- R.S. Pawlowski
12) An integrated 3-D study of the Ouachita Frontal Thrust Belt, Pittsburg Co., Oklahoma (Holly Hunter-Huston,
Consultant, Gene Greene, Gene Greene & Assoc., Carlos Aiken, U. Texas - Dallas)
*Gravity resolution -- Ed Biegert
13) Interpretation of rift-stage faulting in the West Siberian Basin from magnetic data (Dick
Gibson, Gibson Consulting)
* illus. of magnetics intensity: relation to susc. vs structure (Gibson)
14) Discovery of Reddell Field, Louisiana, using gravity modeling (Tom Austin, Austin Exploration)
* classic salt dome/cap rock anomaly (Gibson)
* Nash Dome (1924) historical note - Gibson
* Pholosophy 3: Concerning Modeling -- Gravity & Magnetics community
15) Magnetic anomalies associated with the North and South Morecambe Fields, UK (R. Morgan, World Geoscience)
*General Philosophy 4 -- Gravity & Magnetics community
16) High resolution aeromagnetic interpretation over Sierra and Yoyo Reefs, NE British Columbia (J. Peirce, E. Ebner, M. Marchand, GEDCO)
*Philosophy 5: Concerning non-uniqueness -- Gravity & magnetics community
*A different approach for mining & environmental -- gravity & magnetics community
17) Gravity and magnetic study of the southern Chocolate Mountains region, SE California: Possible extension of the Mesquite Gold Mine -- Kevin Mickus, SE Missouri State U.
18) Acid mine drainage in northern Ontario (Jeff Gamey, Aerodat)
19) Sulfur exploration with core hole and surface gravity (W. Texas) (M. Alexander, IGC, and K.O.Heintz, ex-EXXON)
20) An airborne multi-sensor characterization of an active nuclear waste site (J. Gamey and J.S. Holladay, Aerodat; J. Nyquist and W. Doll, Oak Ridge)
21)Airborne Altrex™ Electromagnetic/Magnetic definition of hydrocarbon alteration plumes (Jeff Rowe, R.S. Smith, D.D. Beattie, Geoterrex; R.K. Warren, Consultant)
22) Sources of magnetic anomalies over a sedimentary basin: preliminary results from the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (Jeff Phillips, Rick Saltus, and Rich Reynolds)
23) The rise and fall of early oil-field technology: The torsion balance gradiometer (R. Bell and R. Hansen)
24) Results from a high-resolution 3-D marine gravity gradiometry survey over a buried salt structure, Mississippi Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico -- L.F. Pratson, R.E. Bell, R.N. Anderson, Lamont-Doherty; D.Dosch, J. White, Al Grierson, C. Affleck, Bell Aerospace; B.E. Korn, R.L. Phair, Texaco; E. Biegert, P. Gale, Shell
*Gravity gradiometry - Ed Biegert, Shell
23) The Role of Vertical Magnetic Gradiometry in Hydrocarbon Exploration (H.O. Seigel and T. McConnell, Scintrex)
*Where do we go from here -- gravity & magnetics community
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY (Classic, instructional papers, case histories, etc.) -gibson et al.
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