Experience in China

Proprietary, non-exclusive, play-oriented tectonic interpretation of the South China Sea and Java Sea areas

Gibson's China work was on a proprietary basis for Unocal. Two projects were both based on analysis of the University of Leeds' gravity data compilations (contact GETECH for more information) together with the published magnetic map of China and available surface and subsurface geology. An initial project was intended to assist with concession evaluation in a relatively small offshore area. The follow-up study covered all of China (onshore and offshore) east of 98° East, as well as northern Viet Nam, Korea, and adjacent offshore areas. Areas of special emphasis were defined by the client, and closest attention was given to those areas, but the entire region was included in the tectonic analysis. Two reports were generated.
The kinds of features that can be interpreted include: - details of rift-style basins in the offshore (e.g., South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, Bo Hai), including important accommodation zones
- Broad, prospective basement arches and large thrusts can be inferred in onshore basins such as Ordos and Sichuan.
- Regional buttresses and associated thrusting, as well as the geometry of crystalline Precambrian, sedimentary Precambrian, and Phanerozoic strata can be defined.
- Distribution of volcanics in places like the Gulf of Tonkin can be inferred
- Major tectonic boundaries throughout all of the productive basins of China are evident in the data sets. Some of the latter have persistent tectonic histories that bear on hydrocarbon accumulations.
Gibson Consulting has no rights to the interpretation Dick Gibson did for Unocal.
Dick Gibson is available to work on this data set again, except in a few areas where significant local information was generated for Unocal. Let us know if you are interested.
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Richard I. Gibson,
Gibson Consulting -
301 North Crystal St. -
Butte, Montana 59701 -
Phone/Fax: 406-723-9639 - E-mail