Butte, Montana Specialty Tours
Please visit the websites of Old
Butte Historical Adventures, the Butte
Chamber of Commerce trolley tour, and other Butte attractions to plan your own cultural heritage experience. On this page you will find outlines of custom specialty tours we can build for you, either incorporating tours described in those links or as stand-alone programs. Under each category, specific attractions as well as suggested tours are given. Most of these programs require advance registration as well as minimum/maximum numbers of participants. E-mail Dick Gibson or call 406-723-9639 at least two weeks before your visit. Check with Old
Butte Historical Adventures for programs involving their locations, and to see if a specialty tour is on the books already. We always coordinate our programs with OBHA. |
All programs can be provided for any number of people, and rate quotes will be provided on a case-by-case basis. As a general guide, plan on $60 per guide per hour for standard step-on services (e.g., bus tours). Most walking tours suggested below are one to two hours in length. For planning purposes, anticipate a cost of $10 to $15 per person for most of these tours for a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 adults. Admissions to particular venues may be additional. We'll quote for fewer than 6 or more than 10 participants.
5-day Discover Butte Program
Performances, Ghost Walks, Living History
Tag-Team Tours: for groups, two or more guides work together to inform and entertain (lots of fun!)
Hands-on education and work programs: History, Architecture, Geology
About Your Guides
| MINING HISTORY: Walking tours, step-on services, lectures
Berkeley Pit, Granite Mountain Memorial, Headframe Trail Walk, World Museum of Mining, Mineral Museum at Montana Tech, Anselmo Mine, BA&P Railroad Trail Walk, Anaconda, Ghost Towns
Possible lectures: Butte History Overview, Mining Matters, What Things Are Made Of, What's the Deal With Oil?
| LABOR HISTORY: Walking tours, step-on services, lectures, living history, ghost walks Frank Little, Anaconda Road, Miners Union Hall, Archives, Court House, Omar Bradley Raid.
Possible lectures: Butte History Overview, Frank Little, What's the Deal With Oil?
| ETHNIC AND CULTURAL HERITAGE: Walking tours, step-on services, lectures, living history, ghost walks
Brothels, speakeasys, hotels, barbershops, churches (in conjunction with Butte CPR). Historic Bar Tours including Quarry Brewing. Focus on ethnic history: Irish, Chinese (Mai Wah Museum), Italian, Serbian, and more. Copper King Mansion, Our Lady of the Rockies.
Possible lectures: Butte History Overview, Butte History in its Stained Glass, Butte's Famous Visitors Ethnic Map of Butte
| ARCHITECTURE, ARTS, GEOLOGY, and MORE: Walking tours, step-on services, lectures
Architecture Walk, Historic homes, Butte CPR's Dust To Dazzle Tour, Volcano Walk, Boulder Batholith, Cemeteries, Ghost Signs, Spooks & Spirits, Arts & Literary Tour, Ghost Towns, Charles Clark Art Chateau, Museum of Fine Arts
Possible lectures: Butte History Overview, Butte's Amazing Architectural Resources, Butte History in its Stained Glass, Geology of Butte, Geology of Yellowtone, Geology of Glacier Park,
 Buy the book by Richard I. Gibson