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These images suggest the scope of projects that Gibson Consulting has been involved in. Click a link for more information.

Magnetic modeling supports interpretations. This example is from the West Siberian Basin.The South China Sea project includes the Gulf of Thailand and the Gulf of Tonkin.Dick Gibson analyzed more than 20,000 kidney stones as part of his first professional job.
Some of the recent discoveries offshore Angola have clear expressions in satellite-derived gravity.Regional studies provide tectonic frameworks as well as basin-scale information for exploration. (map from USGS)The 250-meter spacing of the flight lines in this survey provides for a vast amount of information.
The Timan-Pechora Basin contains Paleozoic reefs that are built upon basement blocks which have magnetic expression.Urengoy field occupies a horst that is adjacent to gabens filled with magnetic basalt.See our Grav-Mag Primer for more information about these anomalies. (map from USGS)
There is a lot going on in the basement of the Santos Basin.The gravity map of Montana reflects the thickening of the crust under the Rocky Mountains. (map from USGS)We have proposed work in the Timor Sea region as a continuation of the South China Sea project. (map from Tech. U. Delft)
Exploration interpretation in Utah has focused on the thrust belt, the basin and range, and the Uinta and Paradox basins. (map from USGS)India is included in our Rifted Margins of the World projects. (map from Tech. U. Delft)Dick Gibson has made detailed, exploration-oriented interpretations of 5 continent-scale regions.