"The Richest Hill On Earth"
Guided explorations of mining and cultural history and geology in and around
Butte, America
an educational tourism program
from Gibson Consulting Return to Main Discover Butte Page |  |
Historic Districts - where's the biggest?
Many localities lay claim to the nation's "Largest Historic District" or "Second-Largest Historic District." At a minimum, the cities in the table below left have all made the claim.
Obviously they can't all be the largest or second largest. It's mostly a matter of bragging rights, and we encourage you to visit them all — just visit Butte too! Largest Historic District | 2nd Largest Historic District |
Savannah, GA Guthrie, OK Charleston, SC Virginia City, NV Eureka Springs, AR Cincinnati, OH Miami Beach, FL Key West, FL Williamsburg, VA Richmond, VA Newburgh, NY Leadville, CO New Orleans, LA
| Butte, MT Rock Island, IL Buffalo, NY St. Charles, MO Newburgh, NY
The newly expanded Butte-Anaconda-Walkerville National Historic Landmark District (NHLD) encompasses
6,015 contributing properties, making it by far the largest NHLD by resource count in the nation. On October 25, 2005, the Landmarks Committee
of the National Park Service Advisory Board unanimously approved the expanded
district. The full board approved the expansion January 13, 2006; and Secretary
of the Interior Gale Norton signed the final approval in March 2006. The newly defined District covers
9,774 acres, one of the largest National Historic Landmark Districts in the
U.S. by area.
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