Vilyuy Basin
Work in progress!
The Vilyuy Basin report is a "spec" Rapid Research Project. That is, we are doing it without a request from a client since it seems that many of the companies interested in the Former Soviet Union have some level of interest in the relatively unknown Vilyuy Basin. Furthermore, there is considerable information that can be derived from the magnetic data available to us, and there are some areas of the basin with published gravity available.
Like our other Rapid Research Projects, this one contains abundant "homework" -- compilation of existing information in a concise manner and at a consistent scale. We have added gravity and magnetic interpretations, plate tectonic reconstructions with postulated stratigraphy and depositional environments, and texts of articles on disk along with data on production on disk. The format of the report is 11x17 inches with some maps in color but most in black and white.
Magnetic Map of Vilyuy Basin area
The map shows the edges of the Vilyuy Aulacogen in the high-frequency anomalies in the southeast corner of the map and along the north-central edge. Broad magnetic highs in the middle of the basin may indicate basaltic rocks in the axial part of the rift. Southwest of the area of this map, the magnetic data clearly show the Devonian dike swarms associated with the opening of the aulacogen. The low-intensity, high-frequency anomalies in the northeast corner are probably thrusted volcaniclastics in the Cretaceous Verkhoyansk Fold Belt, which impinges on the east side of the East Siberian Craton.
The Vilyuy Basin Report represents about 12 person-days of work, a $5000 value. As a proprietary, non-exclusive technical report it is available to previous purchasers of our Basement Tectonic Interpretation of the Soviet Union for $750.00, and to others for $1,100.00. The report is included in the purchase price to new purchasers of the comprehensive Basement Tectonic Package.
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